About Us

Dr. Preethi Wijegoonewardene
MRCGP [INT.] South Asia
Message from the Chair
MRCGP [INT.] South Asia Board
Welcome Colleagues to our own MRCGP [INT.] South Asia Board Website.
Our exclusive website, keeps you informed of all the information regarding the MRCGP [INT.] South Asia examination.
Many General Practitioners in South Asian countries, do not have the opportunity to further enhance their knowledge, in Family Medicine, due to lack of Post-graduate courses in their countries which are structured and tailor made to enhance the quality of General Practice/Family Medicine. Governments and health planners in the region, are now sensitive to the need of a well established primary health care team in our region, with the important role that GP’s / Family Physicians play in the primary care team.
Towards this end, leading family doctors / general practice teachers who are experts in this field from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal, got together from 2003-2004 onwards and were solely supported and instigated by the Royal College of the General Practitioners (RCGP), UK, to develop an exam based on a curriculum designed to enhance the quality of General Practitioners to deliver cost effective, efficient, reliable patient care to the community.
The motivation and the commitment of this band of teachers, who dedicated and sacrificed much of their precious time strongly guided and facilitated by the senior colleagues of RCGP – International Development department has been a milestone in the history of General Practice/Family Medicine in our region. To develop a career pathway for the young trainees in each country, who did not have that opportunity, earlier, is a landmark achievement. By attaining quality of care and skills for the delivery of an efficient primary health care team in each of our countries, and gaining an International Membership from the RCGP-UK, is truly a proud moment for all of us in the Board.
The enthusiasm from Family Doctors, young and old, in pursuit of the desire to learn more, and be an independent practitioner in the community, and prove to their patient, community that they are all “Safe Doctors” is worthy of admirations.
It is heartening to note that many General Practitioners and other Primary Care doctors even from other parts of the world are now seeking to go through MRCGP [International] training courses and prepare themselves to face this examination. The MRCGP [INT.] South Asia Board, is working hard to establish formal training courses, leading to the exam, relevant to the health needs of each country.